The Unique Wonders of America's College Towns
DATE | 2023/08/22![The Unique Wonders of America's College Towns Promotional Graphics or Posters](/Images/Events/702/6e1d52de-152a-4ede-b678-fc4779cf7234_100L.jpg)
American Spaces Taiwan, in cooperation with the U.S. Speaker Program under the guidance of Department of State, has invited Mr. Dylan Thuras, Co-Founder of Atlas Obscura and Host of the “Small Town, Big Story” Series on GoUSA TV, to share some of the unique college towns in the United States. This program aims to help internationaleducation professionals and faculty to get to know America’s diverse university environments so that they can provide guidance to their students who would like to pursue further education in the United States. This program will also help students to learn the uniqueness of American college town culture and understand diverse choices they can have when it comes to studying in the United States. 美國講者U.S. Speaker:Dylan Thuras,美國線上旅遊雜誌-Atlas Obscura共同創辦人、 GoUSA TV YouTube頻道-小城大故事系列節目主持人目標觀眾:1) 從事高中、大學生升學規劃或生涯輔導之教師與專業人士,及2) 有意赴美深造之學生活動時間:2023年9月15日 上午10:00-12:00活動語言:將以英文/English進行、簡報資料將以中英文雙語提供、可使用中文提問。活動議程: 10:00-10:03 開場致詞 Opening Remarks 10:03-10:05 大合照 Group Photos 10:05-11:00 美國大學城之旅 The Unique Wonders of America's College Towns 11:00-11:30 交流問答 Q&A 11:30-12:00 留學美國大解密 Study in America (with Darian, AIT留學美國顧問)
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