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Future Earth Taipei - Early Career Researcher - Sustainable Science -Special Session - Taipei-France Hubs Collaboration [

International Connections
Event Date | 2022/09/08 Address |

Dr. Hsin-Tien Lin - Energy and Resource Efficiency from Environmental Management Approach 由環境管理提升能源及資源效率

The rapid urbanization and social development is causing mass consumption of energy and resources. Improving the energy and resources efficiency has becoming a crucial issue nowadays. In this talk, Dr. Hsin-Tien Lin will share her experiences on promoting energy and resource efficiency by environmental management approach, including life cycle assessment, material flow analysis. She will also share how her group collaborate with industries to apply these knowledges and to promote sustainable development.


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Dr. Oana Ionescu - Energy efficient systems: the impact of uncertainty on investment decisions

Two major dimensions drive the current energy transition: the reduction of energy use and the development of new solutions that can progressively allow for the decarbonization of power systems. Both dimensions are to be considered in the context of active public policies. Whether to reduce the energy use or to choose the energy mix, major investment decisions are to be taken in all sectors of the electricity system: generation, transmission and distribution and retail activities. In this context, the proposed presentation takes a closer look to decision-making processes under uncertainty and flexibility of choice with a real options approach. Examples of investment decisions related to electricity distribution grids and renewable natural gas investments are provided.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities


International Connections

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Future Earth Taipei

Taipei Global Hub

France Global Hub

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Dr. Hsin-Tien Lin from NCKU Shared Her Research on Energy and Resource Efficience. Her Research Points Out that Achieving A NET 0 FUTURE Requires Higher of Rene WABLE ENERGY As Well as an Efficient Way using Materials (E.G. Iron, CEMENT, Plastic, wood).

Dr. Oana IONESCU FROM GAEL Presented Her Research on Energy Efficient Systems and the IMPACT of Uncertain and/ORPREDICTABLE FACTORS, SUCH As Time and Scientifi. C/Technologial Innovations, Which Could Influence Investment Decisions.

Number of Participants39

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