Webinar Series on Global Sustainability - Digital Age WG - Climate Changes Impact on the Terrestrial Water Cycle and Water Resource
『Webinar Series on Global Sustainability ★ Digital Age』 Climate Changes Impact on the Terrestrial Water Cycle and Water ResourceHit by heat waves with record-breaking temperatures this summer, Europe may be facing the worst drought \for at least 500 years,\ according to the European Commission's science and knowledge service. High temperatures cause droughts, and vice-visa terrestrial hydrological processes could also impact global climate change. With a project supported by the Belmont Forum, the winning team of the 23rd Taiwan-France Science and Technology Award, Dr. Agnès Ducharne, a senior researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research, and Professor Lo Min-Hui from National Taiwan University, will share how to use model simulation and analysis methods to explore the relationship between terrestrial hydrology and the atmosphere. They will further introduce the analysis regarding the role of soil, water resources, and ecological integration systems in near-surface climate change. The results can help improve the accuracy of climate simulation to promote sustainable development in water resources, food security, and social and economic activities.Speakers ▻Dr. Agnès Ducharne (Research Director, UMR METIS, CNRS)Dr. Min-Hui Lo (Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University)Panelists ▻Dr. Hao-Che Ho (Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, National Taiwan University) Dr. Fang-Yu Hu (Engineer-urban Planner, IPRAUS, UMR AUSser 3329, ENSA Paris-Belleville, University Paris-Est)Host ▻Dr. Jing-Yi LIN (Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University) Date|28 September 2022 Time|9:00-10:40 (Paris) / 15:00-16:40 (Taipei) Register|https://reurl.cc/MNjDEp
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Public Engagement、International Connections
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Future Earth Taipei (Digital Age WG)
Taipei Hub
Center for Sustainability Science (Academia Sinica)
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Dr. Lo's Research Explains that Numerical Climate Model Results Show Potential Impacts of Land-Use Changes on Energy and Water Cycle. e the account of climate simulating to promoted sunable development in the water resources. Redistribution Along LandScapes. And her research is embedded in the bluegem project.
Number of Participants24人
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