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2022 Miaoli Tutoring Group Summer Science and Digital Technology Training Camp.

Science Communication
Event Date | 2022/08/08 - 2022/08/12 Address | Miaoli

The Miaoli County Government Education Department and the Cross-disciplinary Science Education Center team at National Chiao Tung University have collaborated to organize a camp with the purpose of providing academically excellent and science-interested elementary school students in Miaoli County with a fulfilling, enjoyable, and in-depth science and exploration camp during the summer break. The camp curriculum is designed to start from daily life experiences and natural science, integrating digital technology and programming to allow students to personally engage in activities, in hopes of cultivating students' basic understanding of automation and control in smart life and technology applications, and stimulating their interest in interdisciplinary technology learning.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 4: Quality education Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 17: Partnership for the goals


Science Cultivation、Public Engagement

Type of event


Experimental Demonstrations


NTHU Interdisciplinary Science Education Center.

Event Audience

Preshool to high school students


Telephone Number



The five -day course of the camp event planned, and the first four days arranged a rich theme "Digital Technology Self -Driving Practice and Automatic Control Program Writing" course, which stimulated students' brainpower, training logical thinking ability and cultivating scientific literacy! On the last day, because the National Taiwan Science and Education Museum held the 62nd National Exhibition of Science and Education, all students were specially arranged to go to this event and led students to participate in the workshop curriculum activities of the Science and Technology Museum. During the visit, Teacher Shi Zhicong, a senior professor of the Qing University team, guided students to visit the rich collections in the science and education museum to expand the scientific horizons of the students.nAfter completing the five -day camp, parents and children have uploaded the experience of the team participation through the LINE group. Most of the students revealed that the camp team was the first time they learned to write programs. There is frustration, but with the guidance and help of the lecturer and teaching assistant, when the written program is successfully controlled by self -driving, the expression of each student is difficult to hide the excitement. Learning content; the last day of visiting and experience activities of the Science and Education Museum, left a deep impression on the children. Some students left their families to Taipei for the first time and experienced the learning content that ordinary schools and life circles could not be exposed in the Science and Education Museum. Through this visit, great expansion of the child's vision, each student has a lot of harvest and satisfying the return return journey, and hopes that through this camp, the wonderful science and technology and science can be broadcast in the children's hearts. seed.

Number of Participants22

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