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Taipei Children's DIY Wind Turbine Camp

Science Communication
Event Date | 2022/08/27 Address | Taipei

National Taiwan Ocean University and Taipei Family Support Center held a wind turbine building camp for elementary school students on August 27th. The event was sponsored by the National Science and Technology Commission. Wind power generation is a key project in green energy technology, and the teaching team from National Taiwan Ocean University used a fun and educational approach to guide students to explore the secrets of green energy technology, and to implement the core spirit of the 108 Curriculum \Competency-Based Curriculum Design\.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 1: No poverty Goal 4: Quality education Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy


Science for All、Science Cultivation

Type of event

Experimental Demonstrations


NTOU-National Taiwan Ocean University

Event Audience

Disadvantaged groups


Telephone Number



With the subsidy of the National Science and Technology Commission, the Hai University Science Popular Teaching Team has held 101 physical demonstrations and inquiry implementation activities, 48 ??vulnerable students scientific camps, and 4 teachers' workshops. We also participated in three scientific markets and published two innovative teaching aids in the popular science corner. The media reported our activities 48 times. In addition, we have produced 123 physical demonstration teaching films and placed on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology Grand View Park and YouTube, and more than 1.8 million people are watching. Our film was included in the learning materials by civil servants and other civil servants, and was awarded preferred curriculum awards by the Taiwan Open Course Alliance. In order to cooperate with the environmental education issues of the 12 -year national teaching lecture and the development of green energy environmental protection science and technology policies, we organized self -made wind -generators for the Taipei Jiafu Center students on August 27, 111, and made teaching films and placed in the science and technology Grand View Garden. website. This event is in line with the world, cultivated deeply, and cultivated green energy science and technology talents from an early age. This event also promotes the equal education opportunities of the rich and the poor, allowing vulnerable students to bring their hopes to go home with their knowledge.

Number of Participants50

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