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Environmental Refrigerator DIY Camp for Primary and Secondary School Students in Matsu

Science Communication
Event Date | 2022/12/11 Address | Matsu

To align with the government's policy on environmental technology development, National Taiwan Ocean University will hold a DIY camp for primary and secondary students to create eco-friendly refrigerators on Beigan Island in Matsu on December 11th. This event connects with the international community, cultivates local talents in environmental technology from a young age, and reduces the gap in learning resources between urban and rural areas, allowing island students to bring hope back home with knowledge.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 1: No poverty Goal 4: Quality education Goal 10: Reduced inequality


Science for All、Science Cultivation

Type of event

Experimental Demonstrations


NTOU-National Taiwan Ocean University

Event Audience

Preshool to high school students


Telephone Number



Hai University's science teaching team has held 101 physical demonstrations and inquiry and implementation activities, 48 ??vulnerable students scientific camps, and 4 teachers' workshops. We also participated in three scientific markets and published two innovative teaching aids in the popular science corner. The media reported our activities 48 times. In addition, we have produced 123 physical demonstration teaching films and placed on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology Grand View Park and YouTube, and more than 1.8 million people are watching. Our film was included in the learning materials by civil servants and other civil servants, and was awarded preferred curriculum awards by the Taiwan Open Course Alliance. In order to cooperate with the environmental education issues of the Twelve years of the State Education Squad and the government's development of green energy environmental protection science and technology policies, National Taiwan Ocean University held a self -made camp for environmentally friendly refrigerators in Matsu Beidan on December 11, 111. The Teaching team of Haida also trained seven Matsu primary and secondary school teachers as environmentally friendly technology seed teachers. The Haida Teaching Team guided students to take a glimpse of the Church Olympics of Environmental Protection and Technology in a way of entertaining and implementing the core spirit of the 108 class "literacy orientation curriculum design". This activity is in line with international cultivation, and has cultivated environmentally friendly scientific and technological talents from an early age. This activity also reduces the gap between urban and rural learning resources, so that outlying island students can also use their knowledge to take home.

Number of Participants60

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