chemistry on the go
The instructional materials were designed based on people’s daily lives. The format is a scavenger hunt where students would explore and practice science, and the goal is to make students willing to learn science on their own.Chemistry Fun activities are divided into two different types of chemical science popularization activities: Chemistry Car and Analysis Car. The vehicles enter the campus to lead students in activities. The Chemistry Car focuses on chemistry popularization experiments, with three main programs: Chemistry Story, a brief popular science lecture on chemistry, a chemistry magic show that combines demonstration and interactive performance, and most importantly, hands-on experiments. The Analysis Car activity is designed for science classes and science societies to explore experiments. We hope that all students participating in Chemistry Fun can personally participate in chemistry experiments, learn about the history of chemistry and chemical knowledge in the news through stories, and enjoy the colorful changes of chemistry experiments in performances full of laughter and amazement.
Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects
Science Cultivation
Type of event
100 scientist story
Experimental Demonstrations
Tamkang University Center for Science Education
Event Audience
Preshool to high school students
Telephone Number
In the twelve years of chemical interest, there have been countless turbid water streams in the north and south in the past twelve years. Today, the chemical car and the analysis vehicle came to the water elementary school in Nanti County together. Because the students in the school in the school have exactly there are other activities, the chemical cars have rare to introduce chemistry for children in the third grade at one time. We specially use the analysis of the car. The carriage came to the stage of the opening performance, the students were super High! This should be the most happy screams in more than 700 chemical fun.nSeeing that young children are so young, they are a very interesting experience to point the element cycle table. Everyone is trying to point to the elements they can read. After some disputes, one of the children who look particularly lively Suddenly, I shouted at the others with a serious volume: you don't understand! This is chemistry! We can only laugh desperately next to us, of course he said correctly! Because he refers to our LOGO, chemical fun really writes a large word of chemistry.nChildren always have endless curiosity and the degree of enthusiasm for new things. Students in the water elementary school are really endless about the experimental problems. Every experimental step, as long as you listen to, keep asking, and understand your understanding, and understand your understanding. They are all very good. We originally reduced the content of the explanation as much as possible, but after a round of, we soon found that they could ask them to ask the core of the experiment. When the final acceptance of teaching results, children even thickened in ice cream in ice cream It is sodium alginate, and you can answer without hesitation. This learning ability is really good!nShui Lingyue Xiu Nizes the Confucian CrownnThe History of the Honesty Qing Dynasty in Li Renyu is a hundred years of historyn(Pickup from the Science Education Center of Tamkang University Science Education Center: Chemicals and Interest Facebook)
Number of Participants37人
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