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Hands-on Science and Remote Islands and Rural Area Popular Science Promotion for Junior High School and Elementary Students of Taitung County

Science Communication
Event Date | 2022/10/26 Address |

In July and August, 4 sessions in Penghu, 3 in Matsu, 3 in Kinmen, 1 in Taitung, 1 in Yilan, 3 in Hualien, 2 in Nantou. Between September and December, one session each month in Taitung County elementary schools; from March to June the following year, 2 s

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 4: Quality education Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 17: Partnership for the goals


Science Cultivation、Public Engagement

Type of event


Experimental Demonstrations


National Taitung University Science Education Center

Event Audience

Preshool to high school students


Telephone Number



Today, on Wednesday, October 26th, we went to Dapo Elementary School of Chishang Township for students 'hands -on activities. Today, the content is optical and the magic rings. The students' response is very enthusiastic. Rainbow films, the experiments are actually allowing students to observe the results of the pattern films and the rainbow films in the light. What reactions will be used to use the laser pen through the rainbow film, rather than Niel's lenses, which is the magnifying glass we often call, and also the magnifying glass. It will first explain to the students why the original thick magnifying glass can be made into a non -Niel lens as thin, but although it becomes thinner, it does not affect his effect. The final polarization film is the same. Those effects can be achieved, and in the end, an experiment on polarization will be done. The experimental content is to put tapes on a transparent piece, and then sandwich the transparent film filled with tape in two polarized tablets, so that the transparent film produces the effects of various colors of various colors. And the Lord uses the principle of physical and two mathematics to achieve similar magic effects.

Number of Participants30

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