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National Workshops on Sustainable Curriculum Development Design for IYBSSD:

Science Communication
Event Date | 2022/11/29 Address | National Taiwan Normal University, Chemistry Science Center, and New Taipei City High School Chemistry Curriculum Development Center.

Outcomes Presentation of Curriculum Development for the Issue of Science Education

This paper introduces the curriculum development regarding the integration of Basic Science education issue and takes the conception of sustainable development as an example. In addition to the literature review of curriculum development and sustainable development, a fundamental principle of curriculum development regarding the integration of Basic Science education issue is proposed and demonstrated. The principle includes 4 steps: “Why to teach?”, “What to teach?”, “How to teach?”, and “How to evaluate?” Procedures of curriculum development of infusing Basic Science education into school curricula are suggested: understanding of the rational and theories of Basic Science education, analyzing the core competences of the 12-year Basic Education, connecting to the learning contents and performances of learning areas, and applying teaching strategies of Basic Science education.

National Workshops on Sustainable Curriculum Development Design for IYBSSD:
Document Number: 11170810400
---New Taipei City Venue---
November 29, 2022 (Tuesday)
⏰13:30~17:00 (Registration begins at 13:00)
New Taipei Senior High School (Administrative Building 4th Floor, Chemistry Laboratory) (No.1, Sanxin Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City)
Solar Power Device and Illumination Survey
Incorporating Sustainability Issues into Curriculum Design Workshop: Solar Power Device and Illumination Survey

Introduction and current situation of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022)
Taiwan-wide solar illumination survey
Design and implementation of solar power devices
13:20-13:30 Registration
13:30-13:40 Opening Ceremony
13:40-14:40 Introduction and current situation of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022)
14:40-15:30 Taiwan-wide solar illumination survey
15:20-15:40 Break
15:40-17:10 Design and implementation of solar power devices
17:10-17:20 Wrap-up discussion

Lecturers: Professor Chiu Mei-Hung from National Taiwan Normal University, Teacher Chung Hsiao-Lan from New Taipei Senior High School, Teacher Lin Wei-Chih from Kaohsiung High School, Teacher Cao Ya-Ping from Chungshan Girls' High School, Teacher Lin Shu-Fen from New Taipei Senior High School, Teacher Lu Hsiang-Shuo from New Taipei Senior High School, Teacher Wu Te-Peng from Wuling High School, Teacher Chang Ming-Chuan from Wuling High School, Teacher Zhong Jian-Ping from Jinhe High School.
Course Code: 3595774, please register on the National In-Service Teacher Training website (on-site registration is not available during the pandemic).

Registration link:

Introduction video:

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities


Science for All

Type of event


Experimental Demonstrations


National Taiwan Normal University

Chemistry Science Center

and New Taipei City High School Chemistry Curriculum Development Center.

Event Audience

Junior high and elementary school teachers.


Telephone Number



Continuing the spirit of teachers and teachers of North, Central, and South, and strengthen the creativity, organizational nature of the basic science lesson, and the connection with the UN sustainable goals to achieve the effect of cross -domain cooperation. The IYBSSD Sustainable Curriculum Development Design Workshop was held from September to November. Professor Qiu Meihong, the National Taiwan Normal University of the Executive Team, invited Teacher Lin Weizhi, the Center for Chemistry Center, and Teacher Cao Yaping to share the innovative development and development of innovation and development of innovation and development. Continuing the teachings, find the method of optimizing projects and promotion of sustainability through design thinking workshops. The topic integrates the sustainable curriculum design workshop: "IYBSSD 2022" (IYBSSD 2022) origin and current situation explanation, the whole Taiwan came together-solar illumination surveys, solar power generation devices design and implementation. Lecturer Group Exchange: Taiwan Normal University-Professor Qiu Meihong, Xinbei High School-Teacher Zhong Xiaolan, Kaohsiung Middle School-Teacher Lin Weizhi, Zhongshan Girls Middle School-Cao Yaping, New Taipei High School-Teacher Lin Shufen, New Taipei High School-Lu Xiangshuo High School-Wu Depeng High School, Wuling High School -The teacher Zhang Mingjuan, Jinhe High School-Teacher Zhong Jianping.

In the event interaction, the network network of related scientific teachers is added to find innovation and connection, and the interaction of the activity can be deeper to feedback. From the record and operation of the future social influence, it will start through the records and operations of scientific experiments. In the future, teachers can be more efficient in promoting the lesson plans of teachers and students to open a sustainable title page together.

Number of Participants50

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