Internatioinl day of women & girls in science

Starting from 2018, the Science Fair is held annually at the Big City shopping center in Hsinchu, combining celebrations related to women and science such as the 211 Women in Science Day, International Women's Day on March 8th, International Mathematics Day on March 14th, and more. Popular science education is promoted in collaboration with science popularization groups, particularly in partnership with Hsinchu Girls' High School to encourage young women to participate in science popularization activities.To respond to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science established by UNESCO on February 11th each year, International Women's Day on March 8th, International Mathematics Day on March 14th, and the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD) from July 2022 to June 2023, the interdisciplinary Science Education Center of National Tsing Hua University, the BigCity Far Eastern Megacity Shopping Center, and National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School jointly organized the 2023 \International Women in Science Carnival\ event, inviting multiple industry, government, and academic units to set up science booths to promote sustainable popular science education.Unit Name Booth Name1 Atomic Energy Council Animal X-ray Room2 Atomic Energy Council Precision Battle3 Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs Energy Magician GO!GO!GO!4 Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs Flood Prevention Mobilization5 Taiwan Power Company, Decommissioning and Site Selection Communication Center Nuclear Waste Trainee6 Taiwan Power Company, Decommissioning and Site Selection Communication Center Nuclear Waste Trainee7 National Taiwan Science Education Center Science Education GO Fun8 Taipei Astronomical Museum Women Astronomers' Great Challenge9 Physics Subject Center, Senior High School x National Chiayi Senior Industrial Vocational School Electric Stone Rocket10 Physical Society of the Republic of China Magnetic Propulsion11 Physical Society of Taiwan x Physics Bimonthly The Mystery of Wind Power in Physics Bimonthly12 Cross-disciplinary Science Education Center, National Tsing Hua University Living STEM Science Play13 Department of Applied Physics, Tunghai University Nano Adventure14 Department of Aerospace Opto-Mechatronics, Vanung University Green Energy and Modern Professional Wind Power Generation15 National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Math Creation16 National Zhunan Senior High School Fun Science Toys17 National Zhunan Senior High School Fun Science Toys18 National Zhunan Senior High School Fun Science Toys19 Hsinchu Zhongxin School Voice from Heaven20 FRC6998 STEM Education, National Kaohsiung Senior High School International Experimental High School FRC Robot School Team21 Nuclearfruit Information Academy STEAM Playground22 Army Ordnance Maintenance and Development Center Let the Bullets Fly23 VIA Technologies, Inc. Come and Interact with AI Blocks24 Department of Labor, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli Labor Development Bureau Jataole Learning Theme Hall25 Department of Labor, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli Labor Development Bureau Micro-Entrepreneurship Phoenix26 Yi Pin Tang Chinese Medicine Clinic Emergency Station & Free Clinic27 Yi Pin Tang Chinese Medicine Clinic Getting to Know Traditional Chinese Medicine28 National Space Organization Introducing You to Space
Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Science for All、Science Cultivation、Public Engagement
Type of event
Experimental Demonstrations
NTHU Interdisciplinary Science Education Center.
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On February 11, 2023, the Tsinghua University Cross -domain Science Education Center and the Education Foundation, Lin Jincai's Foundation, and Yipintang Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly held the 2023 International Female Science Day Carnival. This event was held for the first time in Zhongxing New Village in Nantou, attracting many parents to lead children to participate in the Science Carnival.nThis event not only many well -known scientific units such as: National Taiwan Science Education Museum, National Natural Science Museum, Taiwan Physical Society and other units participated. Many academic units also invested together, such The centers of ordinary high -level physics disciplines, etc., have a total of up to 22 units and 30 stalls to bring wonderful stalls.nDuring the event, the Zen Drum Team of Pu Tai Middle School started the prelude, and the shocking drums and neat movements announced to everyone present that the event officially kicked off. In addition to the opening of the opening performance, this event also Students from Putai Middle School serve as active volunteers to assist booths for scientific experiments and original understanding. Leading children with students to experience letting science is not only an issue in the academic community, but also a topic that is closely related to you and me.n
Number of Participants3,000人
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