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Da-Tong Elementary School Science Camp during Winter Vacation.

Science Communication
Event Date | 2023/02/01 - 2023/02/03 Address | Da-Tong Elementary School

To enhance the interest of students in learning science in schools in the Chiayi area, the Chiayi University Food and Agriculture Industry Elite and Science Education Research Center and the Department of Applied Chemistry will collaborate with Datong Elementary School in Chiayi County in the second semester of the 111th academic year to hold a winter science camp from February 1st to 3rd, 2023. The aim of the camp is to promote science education in a simple and clear way, deepen and broaden scientific knowledge through hands-on activities, and ultimately enhance the interest of elementary school students in studying science. The theme of this science camp will be [water], with science experiments related to water. The activities will include an introduction to the principles and hands-on operation. After understanding the principles and becoming familiar with the operation, students can change variables to affect the results and learn the process of observing, analyzing, and solving problems through scientific experiments. By gaining practical experience through these activities, students can develop sensitivity to science and establish a correct attitude towards learning science.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 4: Quality education Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Goal 10: Reduced inequality


Science Cultivation

Type of event



National Chiayi University Agriculture and Food Center

Event Audience

Qieding Elementary School Sixth-grade students


Telephone Number



This activity time is from February 1st to 3rd, 112th. The teachers and students from the Department of Applied Chemistry of Chiayi University brought the materials required by the event to the Datong Elementary School in Puzi City, Chiayi County. 10 teachers and students from Jia attended. With [Basic Science Promoting the International Year of Sustainable Development], the content of this scientific camp is based on the theme of [water], bringing students to understand the characteristics of water molecules, introducing water resources, the importance of water resources, and how to get clean water and other important issues The theme of the event is related to the 6th of the 17th Sustainable Development Objective (SDGS)-to provide everyone with water resources and sustainable management to everyone. In addition to understanding the content of the activity, the most important thing is to include experiments, allowing students to learn the principles of science and engineering in China and establish the correct concept. For example, using the code watch and measuring cylinder, please measure the flow of the faucet water on the campus, and then calculate the amount of water that you need to consume in 5 minutes after the flow is obtained. How much water, after experiment, and reuse the collected water to avoid wasting water resources. On the last day of the scientific camp, students were asked to make posters to publish to deepen the impression of students. On the whole, students responded well to the content of scientific camps and had high acceptance. They all expressed their willingness to participate in similar camps again.

Number of Participants28

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