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MuZha Church Youth Fellowship - Laser Engraving Science Knowledge & Custom Leather Keychains/

Science Communication
Event Date | 2023/03/11 Address | MuZha Church

MuZha Church Youth Fellowship - Laser Engraving Science Knowledge & Custom Leather Keychains/ In this youth fellowship activity, in addition to introducing knowledge about laser engraving machines, we will use a simple laser engraving machine (Cubiio) to make custom leather keychains. Prior to the event, we surveyed each member to see what words they wanted to engrave on their keychains and created some sample designs. During the activity, participants will have the opportunity to engrave their own keychains.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Goal 10: Reduced inequality Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production


Science Cultivation、Public Engagement

Type of event

Experimental Demonstrations



MuZha Church Youth Fellowship

Event Audience

MuZha Church Youth Fellowship


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In addition to introducing the knowledge of laser sculpture, this event also allows the young friends of the youth fellowship to make exclusive leather key rings. In order to save the carving time of laser carving, there were texts that students wanted to engrave the leather beforehand, and carved some leather first to facilitate the watching.nDuring the activity, the laser carving machine, the principle of laser light, the presentation of the carving method, the application of the carving method, etc. For the highlight, first understand the simple laser sculptor (Cubiio), and then how to operate the Cubiio. Finally, the remaining leather text is carved. Every student listens very seriously. The eyes are full of curious eyes. After understanding CUBIIO, I will teach you how to make the metal head of the key ring. Finally, the finished product came out, and each student was very happy.nSpecial thanks to the young people who participated in this event, let us have more diverse laser carving activities. At the same time, I also thank President Li Ziyi to promote this event. The team sincerely expresses gratitude.

Number of Participants10

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