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Keelung Family Support Science Camp

Science Communication
Event Date | 2023/04/15 Address | Keelung

Keelung Family Support Science Camp/National Taiwan Ocean University will hold a science camp at the Keelung Family Support Center on April 15. The event is funded by the National Science and Technology Commission. The NTOU science education team will lead students in making fun science teaching aids, such as hand-cranked generators, magnetic guns, and wall-penetrating devices. The teaching team will guide students to explore the mysteries of physics in a fun and engaging way, implementing the core spirit of the 108 Curriculum Guidelines' \competence-oriented curriculum design.\ In addition, this event also helps to narrow the gap in learning resources between urban and rural areas, promotes equal education opportunities for the poor, and allows disadvantaged students in rural areas to bring hope back home with knowledge.

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 1: No poverty Goal 4: Quality education Goal 10: Reduced inequality


Science for All、Science Cultivation

Type of event

Experimental Demonstrations


National Taiwan Ocean University

Event Audience

Elementary school students.


Telephone Number



Hai University's science teaching team has held 101 physical demonstrations and inquiry and implementation activities, 48 ??vulnerable students scientific camps, and 4 teachers' workshops. We also participated in three scientific markets and published two innovative teaching aids in the popular science corner. The media reported our activities 48 times. In addition, we have produced 133 physical demonstration teaching films and placed on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology Grand View Park and YouTube, and more than 1.8 million people are watching. Our film was included in the learning materials by civil servants and other civil servants, and was awarded preferred curriculum awards by the Taiwan Open Course Alliance. The popular science teaching team of the Ocean University held an elementary and middle school student science camp at the center of Keelung's support on April 15, 112. Hai University's science teaching team guides children to make hand -shaped generators in a way of entertaining. This event also reduces the gap between the wealth of the rich and the poor, so that the students of vulnerable families can also use their knowledge to take home.

Number of Participants50

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