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Special Session 2023 ECRs in Sustainability Science: Public Health

Event Date | 2023/08/30 Address | Zoom

#SouthAsia-#Taipei Hubs Collaboration: #PublicHealth >>
#PlanetaryHealth #台印第二次合作????
The Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei is looking for #WiderCollaboration with other #GlobalHubs ——— let ECRs share their research outcomes in relation to sustainability and climate change.
Next Wednesday, the Taipei Hub will collaborate with the South Asia Hub for the 2nd time to organize a joint talk——young scholars will share their research and dialogue on health issue on 30 Aug.
⚜️ 下週三 2023 第 11 場 ECR 線上短講 ➠ Future Earth Taipei ECR 工作小組籌辦的『#青年學者的永續研究』短講系列將二度和南亞 Global Hub 的 ECR 合作推出聯合短講!本次的主題將聚焦在 #公共衛生 與 #健康意識 ➠ 歡迎對 #兒童學習 與 #地球健康 有興趣的朋友於下周三加入對話!
Speakers ▻
Dr. Yen-Tzu Fan (Postdoctoral research fellow, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
Prof. Dr. H Paramesh (Visiting Professor Divecha Centre for Climate Change,

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education


Science for All、Science Cultivation、Public Engagement

Type of event




- ECR working group

Future Earth Taipei - Future Earth Global Hubs

Taipei & South Asia - IYBSSDXTAIWAN - 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science

Academia Sinica

Event Audience

Public participants



Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (

Telephone Number




Scientific Takeaways from Speaker 1's Presentation:

Impact of Heavy Metal Concentrations: The presentation highlights how heavy metal concentrations, specifically cadmium and mercury, can have a significant impact on children's learning outcomes and cognitive development.

Socio-Economic Disparities: Research indicates that socio-economic disparities play a crucial role in how heavy metal exposure affects children, with lower-income families experiencing more adverse effects.

Environmental Equity: The presentation underscores the concept of environmental equity, where vulnerable populations, such as those in low-income urban areas, are disproportionately affected by environmental pollutants.

Global Commonalities: The study reveals commonalities in heavy metal pollution patterns across different cities globally, suggesting the need for common preventive measures.

Scientific Takeaways from Speaker 2's Presentation:

Planetary Health and Human Health Connection: The presentation emphasizes the interconnectedness of planetary health and human health, highlighting that the state of our planet directly impacts our well-being.

Air Pollution's Health Impacts: Air pollution, particularly from fossil fuel emissions, is a major contributor to a wide range of health problems, including respiratory diseases, heart disease, cancer, and more.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change: Rising levels of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, are driving climate change, leading to severe consequences such as extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and habitat destruction.

Global Extinction Threat: The increase in temperature due to carbon emissions poses a threat to biodiversity, with many species facing the risk of extinction, including coral reefs, turtles, and polar ecosystems.

Human Activities and Solutions: The presentation underscores that human activities, including deforestation, urbanization, and intense animal agriculture, are major contributors to environmental degradation. It calls for urgent actions, including transitioning to clean energy sources and adopting sustainable practices to mitigate these impacts.

These scientific takeaways highlight the urgent need for global efforts to address environmental challenges, reduce pollution, and mitigate climate change to protect both human health and the planet's future.

Number of Participants29

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