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【I'm on the Science X Sustainability Train】- Photo Submission

Highlights Science Communication
Event Date | 2023/02/01 - 2023/04/20 Address | Taiwan

In response to the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development and to showcase Taiwan's energy and achievements in basic research for sustainable development, the team has invited various domestic government agencies, academic institutions, civil society organizations, and groups to launch multiple celebratory events. With the main theme of scientific equity, scientific enlightenment, public participation, and international links, the team hopes that a series of science and sustainability activities can demonstrate Taiwan's efforts and achievements in basic research for sustainable development, as well as raise awareness of sustainability-related issues and the impact of basic science on daily life. The team also hopes that after understanding the importance of sustainable development, the people of Taiwan can take action to cherish the limited resources on Earth.

The IYBSSD @ TAIWAN \Science x Sustainability\ train divides its compartments into four sustainable themes: nature, society, environment, and carbon footprint, reflecting the interconnectedness of all things on Earth. The train serves as a spaceship that safeguards the changing oceans and forests, and reminds us of the \carbon\ footprint we leave behind wherever we go. The train's four themes also correspond to various SDGs, and a series of SDG posters have been designed around these themes, led by the O2 bunny's (O2) beautiful life goals. The team hopes that everyone can root the awareness of science and sustainability in their daily lives.

I'm on the \Science X Sustainable\ train ????????
Activity method: Take any \Science X Sustainable\ train, take a photo in the activity area on the fan page (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=168195012625901&set=a.168206289291440), leave a message/numbered by the editor, add #IYBSSDXTAIWAN #ScienceXsustainable train, and share publicly on your personal Facebook or IG.
Reward: If the number of likes for the comment photo exceeds 20 people, the top 20 photos with the most likes in the activity area numbered by the editor can obtain a photo usage authorization fee of NT$1000 (provide the original file of the photo and authorize the organizer to use it), and the top five will also receive an IYBSSD sustainable gift bag.
Activity deadline: April 20, 2023

????Taipei MRT [Songshan-Xindian Line] From now until March 30
????Kaohsiung MRT Light Rail [Train 14] From now until April 20
????Taichung MRT February 20 to April 20
????Taoyuan Airport MRT March 8 to April 30

????????????Otto O2 and you towards a better life goal ????????????

Take the \Science X Sustainable\ train, scan the QR code, and answer a true/false question.
Collect 17 SDGs to redeem an IYBSSD sustainable gift bag.
The questions are super simple, guiding you to understand the beauty of sustainable future and achieve the SDG goals.
Quota: Giveaway for those who collect all~~~????????????
????????????Get a beautiful life card for answering questions, share the card + #IYBSSDXTAIWAN #ScienceXsustainable train #SDG to have a chance to win an IYBSSD Otto (O2) card holder set????????????
Limited to 50 people~~~share and win, simple response, lucky draw, let's work towards a better life goal together!!!????????????
#National Science Council
#Rooted in science and sustainable Taiwan
Click on the small car on the homepage of the official website to see more related knowledge of science and sustainability ????????????
See more about Science X Sustainable

Activity Goals aligned with SDGs Projects

Goal 4: Quality education Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Goal 17: Partnership for the goals


Science for All、Science Cultivation、Public Engagement

Type of event





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On April 20, 2023, the "Scientific X Persistence" trains came to an end in Taiwan. The purpose of this event is to evoke the public's attention and action of sustainable development through the integration of public art and science and culture. Since January 15, 2023, the event has collected photographs of people from all over Taiwan's "Scientific X Sustainable" trains and attracted multiple photography enthusiasts. In just two months, the participating works from all over Taiwan gathered together, showing the enthusiasm and creativity of the people for sustainable development. These selected works have fully presented the public's attention and actions for sustainable development. The success of this activity highlight the importance of the integration of science and technology and culture on promoting sustainable development. At the same time, I also thank the public for their support and participation, and look forward to leading Taiwan to a more sustainable future through more similar activities. During the event, the "Scientific X Sustainable" train not only traveled all over Taiwan, but also attracted the visit and participation of many people and schools. Through such activities, it can not only evoke the attention of the people's attention to sustainable development, but also promote Taiwan's towards a greener and more sustainable future. In the future, I hope to promote the concept of sustainable development through multiple activities, encourage the people to actively participate, and jointly contribute to the future of Taiwan.

Number of Participants4,000

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