
  • 13
    Dec 2022

    Science Exhibition Ability Workshop for Primary and Secondary School Natural Science Teachers

    Science Exhibition Ability Workshop for Primary and Secondary School Natural Science Teachers(臺東縣大武鄉大鳥國民小學)


    Date | 2022/12/14Address | 臺東縣大武鄉大鳥國民小學

    臺東大學應用科學系暨科學教育中心 林自奮主任

    Through the multi-abilities workshop for teachers in the field of natural science in primary and secondary schools, teachers can understand the operation methods of some scientific teaching aids. Through a number of optical-related experimental operations, they can be used to demonstrate to students when encountering the same or related units of natural subjects. Make observations to achieve good teaching methods, and let children understand the fun of science and immerse them in science.


    目標4 優質教育目標10 減少不平等目標17 夥伴關係

  • 13
    Dec 2022

    2023 Taiwan sciience explore fair

    2023年 科學探究競賽-這樣教我就懂

    活動日期 | 2023/01/01 - 2023/12/31地點 | 國立高雄師範大學

    本競賽以科學探究精神為出發點,非強調在創新發明。例如,生活中有許多大家習以為常的事件或現象,希望參賽者能多提出質疑、主動探究、發掘問 題、蒐集資料、實作驗證,最後以簡單易懂的論述或是實際操作來表達科學探究成果,創新發明並非本競賽的評分項目。題目採自行發揮,需與生活議題結合。作品探究內容不得與其他相關競賽或展覽重複。各組競賽範例請見活動官網(。

    網路票選:2023/04/17(一)~ 2023/05/10(三)


    目標4 優質教育
  • 06
    Dec 2022

  • 06
    Dec 2022

  • 28
    Nov 2022

    111年高中女生科學教育巡迴計畫講座-北一女場次本計畫由教育部國民及學前教育署主辦、吳健雄學術基金會以及師大化學系協辦,將於 111年12月3日-112年7月30日間學辦理。活動時間與內容: 111年12月3日(六)上午08:10~12:10 為國際奧林匹亞競賽題實作探討(一共分成四個班級分組操作實驗,請依照個人興趣選擇物理A班、物理B班、化學C班或生物D班),下午13:10~16:30 將安排國內傑出女科學家分享對談主辦單位:教育部國民及學前教育署承辦單位:國立台灣師範大學化學系協辦單位:財團法人吳健雄學術基金會    國立台灣師範大學生命科學系    台灣萊雅股份有限公司12.03 臺北市立第一女子高級中學12.17 高雄市立高雄女子高級中學12.10 台中市立中女子高級中等學校202304.08 國立臺東女子高級中學04.15 臺北市立中山女子高級中學04.22 國立斗六高級中學05.06 國立鳳新高級中學05.13 台中市立台中第二高級中等學校05.27 新北市立新莊高級中學06.03 國立臺南女子高級中學
  • 28
    Nov 2022

  • 22
    Nov 2022

  • 22
    Nov 2022

    2022 ASET annual international conference

    This symposium was originally called "Republic of China Science Education Symposium". It was sponsored by the Science Education Society of the Republic of China and organized by the science education-related institutes of normal and educational universities in turn. So far (111 years of the Republic of China), 38 sessions have been held. Over the years, the Association has invited well-known scholars at home and abroad to give keynote speeches. Since the 28th session, it has been expanded to an international seminar. Through cooperation with international academic organizations, handling of English manuscripts and English publication, in addition to enhancing the domestic scientific education community The academic influence of science education has allowed domestic and foreign science education researchers and practitioners to have more space for dialogue and co-construction of knowledge.

    Therefore, the Science Education Symposium held at the end of each year has become a major event in the domestic science education academic circle. It has contributed to the practical promotion of science education and international academic exchanges and cooperation, and it is indeed necessary to continue to promote the implementation. Adhering to the above concepts and the basis of international cooperation, the "38th International Symposium on Science Education" has been recognized by the East Asian Science Education Association (EASE). dialogue and exchange.

    The 38th International Symposium on Science Education will be hosted by National Tsing Hua University. It is planned to focus on "Rethinking Learning: Science Education Based on Mental Science", which covers STEM/STEAM education, teaching and learning of ability development, and literacy-oriented evaluation. It is an important topic of scientific education research at home and abroad, such as quantity, teacher training of pre-service teachers, professional growth of in-service teachers, digital learning environment and smart learning. The above topics, such as STEM/STEAM education, literacy-oriented assessment, etc., all follow the g6-4su syllabus that emphasizes the concept of interdisciplinary core literacy as the main axis of curriculum development. It is believed that the researchers and teachers participating in the conference can jointly develop and share more curriculum modules that are helpful for the development of students' core literacy through the holding of this conference. How to design. Only when the design of assessment tools allows teachers to effectively measure the above-mentioned abilities of students, teachers can further design curriculum activities to help students develop their abilities. Whether such courses are presented as inquiry-based courses or STEM course units, they can be adapted to help students develop core competencies and abilities that they can take away in the future during the course participation process. Such "interaction" and "common good" are also the goals pursued by the 108 syllabus. In addition, topics such as teachers' professional growth and digital learning environment can help participating teachers and their students face the challenges of the digital age in order to make good use of the learning resources at hand.

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